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St. Patrick's National School, Ughtyneill National School, Kells, Co. Meath

Microsoft Dream Space Showcase

12th Jun 2024
Pupils in the Senior Room got the wonderful opportunity to go to Microsoft HQ to present their project ‘Agriculture and Nutrient Pollution’ as part of the Microsoft Dream Space experience that they had been working on over the last number of months. The pupils represented themselves and the school fantastically and really enjoyed showcasing their work, listening to software engineers working in the gaming industry of Microsoft and playing in the games room that was set up for them. They were also well look after in terms of a tasty lunch of pizza! We were thrilled for our project to be recognised by The Department of Rural and Community Affairs award for ‘Rural Innovation’. A huge well done to all involved.

Prior to presenting in Microsoft, pupils got the opportunity to present their work to Barbara Olwill, catchment scientist with the Local Authority Waters Programme. Barbara was instrumental in getting this project off the ground and we worked in collaboration with her throughout. It was fantastic for pupils to get such positive feedback from Barbara and to also get an insight into the work that she does as a catchment scientist. Pupils really enjoyed this experience. Thank you Barbara!